Sunday, February 15, 2015

The dance has four sections:
1.) "All about that bass"
2.) "Sledgehammer"
3.) "Shake it off"
4.) "Lips are movin"

We finished the first section, about 2/3 of the fourth section, and the general idea of the third section (that section is just cartwheels and/or round-offs).

I have three different videos for each section that we learned 2-15 (the first and fourth sections). Video one has learning the moves, video two is doing the movies without music, and the third video is with the music. Please note that we spent much longer than the time in the videos learning a few of the movies. We didn't move straight from doing the dance with me "singing" the words to the music, either. We first practiced with a slowed down version of the music. Also, these videos are mirror images

Download/listen to the music here.

Learning the moves, section 1:

Section one, without music.

Section one, with music

Section four, moves

Section four, without music

Section four, with music


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